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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(4): 631-634, ago. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514523


Resumen El divertículo de Meckel (DM) corresponde a la involución aberrante del canal onfalo-mesentérico o conducto vitelino, el cual se ubica a nivel del borde antimesentérico del íleon terminal. Es la anomalía estructural más común del tracto gastrointestinal, casi siempre es asintomático y su diagnóstico por lo general es incidental, sin embargo, la complica ción con diverticulitis es una condición poco usual. Describimos el caso de un hombre de 65 años, que ingresó referido de otra institución con diagnóstico de abdomen agudo, al examen físico presentó signos de irritación peritoneal con evidencia de leucocitosis y neutrofilia en hemograma de ingreso. Se realizó tomografía computarizada de abdomen con contraste endovenoso, la cual se interpretó como diverticulitis de Meckel complicada, siendo corroborado durante el acto quirúrgico y confirmado mediante anatomía patológica. La diverticulitis de Meckel es una entidad rara, sin embargo, es importante reconocerla dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales de abdomen agudo, lo cual permitirá una pronta intervención y un favorable desenlace.

Abstract Meckel's diverticulum corresponds to the aberrant invo lution of the omphalo-mesenteric canal or vitelline duct, which is located at the level of the antimesenteric border of the terminal ileum. It is the most common structural anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, it is almost always asymptomatic and its diagnosis is usually incidental, how ever the complication with diverticulitis is an unusual con dition. We describe the case of a 65-year-oldman, who was admitted from another institution with a diagnosis of acute abdomen. On physical examination, he presented signs of peritoneal irritation with evidence of leukocytosis and neutrophilia in the admission blood count. Computerized tomography of the abdomen with intra venous contrast was performed, which was interpreted as complicated Meckel's diverticulitis, being corroborated during the surgical act and confirmed by pathological anatomy. Meckel's diverticulitis is a rare entity, however it is important to recognize it within the differential diagnoses of acute abdomen, which will allow prompt intervention and a favorable outcome.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220301


Intracardiac masses have several etiologies: tumor, infectious, thrombotic. They constitute a diagnostic challenge for the clinician. Behçet's disease is a chronic multisystemic vasculitis evolving by relapses. Intracadiac thrombosis in this disease deserves special attention because of its life-threatening nature. They often appear in the early stages of the disease, and the most frequent location is the right heart chambers. We present the case of a 23-year-old patient with an isolated mass in the right ventricle revealing an initial manifestation of Behçet's disease. The presented clinical case highlights the importance of early recognition of Behçet's disease, as well as the awareness of including this disease in the differential diagnosis of intracardiac masses in young adults.

Braz. dent. j ; 34(1): 123-132, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420575


Abstract This case series included a tomographic, microbiological, and histopathological description of 15 secondary apical periodontitis (SAP) lesions obtained by apical microsurgery performed in 10 patients to better understand the etiology and pathogenesis of SAP. Preoperative tomographic analyses were performed through Cone beam computerized tomography - Periapical index (CBCT-PAI), and apical microsurgeries were then carried out. The removed apices were used for microbial culturing and for molecular identification using PCR for the detection of 5 strict anaerobic bacteria (P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, P. nigrescens, T. forsythia, and T.denticola) and 3 viruses Herpes simplex viruses (HSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMG) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) by nested PCR. The removed apical lesions were histologically described. Univariate statistical analyses were performed by using STATA MP/16 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, United States). CBCT-PAI analyses revealed PAI 4 and PAI 5 score lesions that involved cortical plate destruction. Eight SAPs were positive by culture, while nine SAP lesions were positive by PCR. Fusobacterium species were the most frequently cultured organisms in 7 SAP lesions, followed by D. pneumosintes in 3. In contrast, by single PCR, T. forsythia and P. nigrescens were detected in 5 lesions, T. denticola in 4 lesions, and P. gingivalis in 2 lesions. Twelve periapical lesions were granulomas, and the remaining three SAP lesions were radicular cysts. In conclusion, this case series study revealed that secondary apical lesions presented tomographic involvement of PAI 3 to 5, and that most SAP lesions were apical granulomas containing anaerobic and facultative microorganisms.

Resumo Esta série de casos incluiu uma descrição tomográfica, microbiológica e histopatológica de 15 lesões de periodontite apical secundária (SAP) obtidas por microcirurgia apical realizada em 10 pacientes para melhor compreender a etiologia e patogénese do SAP. As análises tomográficas pré-operatórias foram realizadas através de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico - índice Periapical (CBCT-PAI), e as microcirurgias apicais foram então realizadas. Os ápices removidos foram utilizados para a cultura microbiana e também para a identificação molecular por PCR para a detecção de 5 bactérias anaeróbias rigorosas (P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, P. nigrescens, T. forsythia, e T.denticola) e 3 vírus Herpes simplex (HSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMG) e Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) por PCR aninhada. As lesões apicais removidas foram descritas histologicamente. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas univariadas utilizando STATA MP/16 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, Estados Unidos da América). As análises CBCT-PAI revelaram lesões PAI 4 e PAI 5 que envolveram a destruição da placa cortical. Oito SAPs foram positivos por cultura, enquanto nove lesões de SAP foram positivas por PCR. As espécies de Fusobacterium foram os organismos mais frequentemente cultivados em 7 lesões SAP, seguidas por D. pneumosintes em 3. Em contraste, por PCR simples, T. forsythia e P. nigrescens foram detectados em 5 lesões, T. denticola em 4 lesões, e P. gingivalis em 2 lesões. Doze lesões periapicais foram granulomas, e as restantes três lesões SAP foram cistos. Em conclusão, este estudo de série de casos revelou que as lesões apicais secundárias apresentavam envolvimento tomográfico de PAI 3 a 5, e que a maioria das lesões de SAP eram granulomas apicais contendo microrganismos anaeróbios e facultativos.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220644


Introduction The cerebral ventricular system consists of a series of interconnecting spaces and channels which originate from the central lumen of the embryonic neural tube. The ventricular system ?lled with cerebrospinal ?uid, is an essential part of the brain. Understanding the normal anatomy and the variations of the ventricular system of brain is helpful for clinicians, neurosurgeons and radiologists in day-to-day clinical practice1. Aims And Objectives To determine the average dimensions and variations of the frontal horn of the normal lateral ventricles of brain by CT scan. Materials And Methods The study was conducted in individuals who attended the Department of Radiodiagnosis in Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram. Those patients whose brain CT scans were read as normal by the radiologist were taken up for the study. A total of 200 CT brain of individuals above 10 years of age were taken during the period from January 2017 to June 2018.100 males and 100 females were included in the study group. The length of the frontal Results horn of lateral ventricle of brain was found to be more on the left side and in male gender. It was also observed to be increasing with age. The present study outlines the normal values of the length of frontal horn of the lateral ventricles of brain Conclusion using Computerized tomography which would aid in the diagnosis and management of neurological disorders.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218988


Background: Untreated acute pancrea??s can have high morbidity and mortality. It is a serious gastrointes?nal emergency. Its incidence is approximately 51.0 % and it can cause both local and systemic problems. The diagnosis usually involves laboratory tests like amylase and lipase as well as an ultrasound exam. The ideal imaging test is a contrast-enhanced CT scan. This study used scoring systems based on laboratory and radiological inves?ga?ons to determine the clinical progression and outcome. Methods : Pa?ents who were diagnosed with acute pancrea??s and in whom computed tomography was done were included. From the imaging findings, the category and subcategory of acute pancrea??s and types of fluid collec?ons were described in these pa?ents using the revised Atlanta classifica?on. BISAP score was calculated in all these pa?ents. The clinical outcome assessed in these pa?ents is the dura?on of stay in the hospital, mortality, presence of persistent organ failure, the occurrence of infec?on and need for interven?on. Finally, the correla?on between the Revised Atlanta classifica?on and BISAP score was analyzed and compared with clinical outcomes. Results: The analysis of the correla?on between Revised Atlanta classifica?on severity grade and BISAP score, among the n=57 pa?ents with mild acute pancrea??s n=56, had BISAP score less than 3 and only one had BISAP score greater or equal to three. Among the n=25 pa?ents graded as moderately severe acute pancrea??s, n=20 cases had a BISAP score of less than 3 and n=5 had BISAP score greater than or equal to three. Among the n=08 pa?ents graded as severe acute pancrea??s, n=3 had a BISAP score of less than 3 and n=5 had BISAP score greater than or equal to three. Conclusion: Standardizing nomenclature and facilita?ng proper documenta?on of a variety of imaging abnormali?es in acute pancrea??s is made possible by incorpora?ng the new Atlanta categoriza?on system into daily prac?ce. We can triage, predict, and treat pa?ents with acute pancrea??s with greater precision by integra?ng the new Atlanta classifica?on with BISAP clinical grading, significantly improving medical care.

Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(3): 1101233, sept.-dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425918


Objetivo: La reabsorción dentinaria interna es un pro- ceso causado por la actividad odontoclástica asociada princi- palmente a la inflamación pulpar crónica y/o traumatismos, y se caracteriza por la pérdida progresiva de tejido dentinario y la posible invasión al cemento. El presente informe describe el diagnóstico y tratamiento de un molar inferior que presentó un cuadro sintomático de reabsorción dentinaria interna. Caso clínico: Un paciente de 38 años fue derivado a la consulta por presentar una zona de reabsorción interna en un segundo molar inferior. Durante el examen clínico y ra- diográfico se tomó una radiografía preoperatoria periapical con radiovisiógrafo en la que se observó la presencia de un área compatible con el diagnóstico de reabsorción dentinaria interna, el que fue posteriormente confirmado por medio de una tomografía computada de haz cónico. La imagen de la lesión se presentó como una zona radiolúcida deformante de bordes nítidos, localizada a nivel de la cámara pulpar. El tra- tamiento consistió en la extirpación de la pulpa coronaria y de la instrumentación, desinfección y obturación de los conduc- tos radiculares y la cavidad de acceso. En el control clínico y radiográfico realizado luego de 3 años se observó que el paciente estaba asintomático y las estructuras perirradiculares se encontraban dentro de los límites normales. La observación histológica del material removido de la cámara pulpar reveló la presencia de un tejido granulomatoso con numerosos vasos sanguíneos y escasos focos micro hemorrágicos. Hasta el momento, el tratamiento endodóntico es el pro- cedimiento indicado para el tratamiento de la reabsorción dentinaria interna. Se destaca la importancia de la tomografía computada de haz cónico para el diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano de las reabsorciones dentinarias internas a efectos de contar con un pronóstico favorable (AU)

Aim: Internal dentine resorption is aprocess caused by odontoclastic activity, mainly associated with chronic pulpal inflammation and/or trauma, and it'scharacterized by a pro- gressive loss of dentine tissue and the possible invasion of the cementum. This report describes the diagnosis and treatment of a lower molar that presented a symptomatic case of inter- nal dentine resorption. Clinical case: A 38-years old patient was referred to the office because of presenting an area of internal resorption in a lower second molar. During clinical and radiographic exam- ination, a periapical preoperative radiograph with radiovisio- graph was taken, in which the presence of an area compatible with the diagnosis of internal dentine resorption was observed, which was later confirmed by a cone-beam computed tomog- raphy.The image of the lesion was presented as a deforming radiolucent area with sharp edges, located at pulp chamber level. Treatment consisted of the removal of the coronary pulp and the instrumentation, disinfection and filling of the root ca- nals and the access cavity. In the clinical and radiographic control carried out 3 years after procedure, it was observed that the patient was asymptomatic and the periradicular struc- tures were within normal limits. The histological observation of the removed material from the pulp chamber revealed the presence of a granulomatous tissue with numerous blood ves- sels and scarce micro hemorrhagic focus. Until now, the endodontic treatment is the indicated pro- cedure to treat internal dentine resorption. It is necessary to highlight the importance of the cone-beam computerized to- mography for the early diagnosis and treatment of internal dentine resorptions in order to have a favorable outlook (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Root Resorption/therapy , Root Resorption/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Crown/physiopathology , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Follow-Up Studies , Dental Pulp Diseases/complications , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods , Molar/physiopathology
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221805


Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disorder, in which lipoproteinaceous material accumulates within the alveoli. We report a case of a 27-year-old male patient with acute worsening of breathlessness over the last 7�months and cough with desaturation up to 79% on room air. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography of the thorax revealed unilateral diffuse crazy-paving pattern likely PAP. Transbronchial lung biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of PAP. The present case highlights the unusual presentation of PAP with unilateral involvement. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of unilateral PAP from India with a biopsy diagnosis and resolution with whole lung lavage.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219944


Background: A virtuous consideration of root canal morphology is required. Complications all through and after endodontic therapy are frequently caused by variances in the anatomy of root canals in primary teeth. The goal of present study was to determine the number and shape of root canals in primary incisors and molars, as well as the pertinency of cone beam computerised tomography (CBCT) in doing so.Material & Methods:On a total of 60 primary molars and incisors with complete root length, CBCT was used to assess the number of roots, number of canals, width of root canal at cementoenamel junction and middle-third, length and angulations of roots. The information was statistically analysed. Results:The CBCT revealed that 13 percent of mandibular incisors had bifurcation of the root canal in the middle third, while 20% of mandibular molars had two canals in the distal root. The distobuccal root canal diameter of maxillary molars and the mesiolingual canal diameter of mandibular molars were determined to be the smallest.Conclusions:Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a comparatively new and effective technology that can be used in conjunction with conventional radiography to examine variations in root canal morphology in primary teeth.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225577


Introduction: The kidneys—the main organs of the excretory system, are supplied by a paired renal artery, originating from the Abdominal Aorta at the level of a disc between L1 and L2 and drained by a paired renal vein exiting from the hilum of the kidney to the Inferior vena cava. Aim: To evaluate the morphology of renal vessels, their variations & clinical implications during renal surgeries in the subjects of the North India population by contrast-enhanced MDCT. Materials and Method: The present study was conceptualized & carried out in the Department of Anatomy, in collaboration with the Department of Radiodiagnosis, Santosh Medical College & Hospital, Ghaziabad and from Dr. O.P Gupta Imaging Centre, Meerut. This study was performed on the 108 patients who were referred for abdominal CECT examination with suspected abdominal pathologies. Contrast-enhanced MDCT scan images of the Abdomen were reviewed for normal anatomy of renal vessels and their variants. Result: Out of 108 patients, anatomical variations of the renal vessel were found in 72 (66.66%) patients. Variations of the renal artery were found in 56 patients (51.85%). Out of these 56 patients, 47 had supplementary renal artery, 17 had early branching of the renal artery and 8 patients had both supplementary and early branching of the renal artery. Supplementary renal arteries were seen in 15 patients on the right side, 16 patients on the left side & 16 patients bilaterally. Earlier branching of the renal artery was found in 9 patients on the right side, 10 patients on the left side and in 2 patients bilaterally. Variations of the renal vein were more commonly found on the right side, late renal vein confluence was seen in 28 (25.92%) patients and supplementary renal veins in 9 (8.3%) patients. On the left side, 2 (1.85%) patients had late renal vein confluence and 2 (1.85%) patients had retroaortic vein. Conclusion: Variations of the renal artery are found frequently. Morphological evaluation of renal vessels is useful for planning and performing the endovascular, laparoscopic and urological procedure.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 51(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408794


RESUMEN Introducción: La fístula pleurocutánea es una rara entidad que aparece como complicación de traumatismos torácicos, de la cirugía pleuro pulmonar o procesos infecciosos que afectan el espacio pleural tales como el empiema. Objetivo: Describir hallazgos clínico imagenológicos de un paciente con fístula pleurocutánea secundaria a empiema. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 56 años de edad, blanco, de procedencia rural, fumador inveterado y consumidor habitual de bebidas alcohólicas, con antecedentes patológicos personales de neumonías extrahospitalarias que requirieron hospitalización por aparición de complicaciones pleurales. Acudió al servicio de medicina interna del Hospital "Vladimir Ilich Lenin" porque desde hacía dos meses notó un agujero debajo de la axila derecha, por el cual drenaba líquido fétido. Los estudios imagenológicos realizados incluyeron fistulografía y tomografía axial computarizada. El diagnóstico clínico imagenológico fue fístula pleurocutánea. El paciente ingresó en el servicio de Medicina para cumplir tratamiento antimicrobiano; se le realizaron procederes intervencionistas diagnósticos y terapéuticos; evolucionó con complicaciones y falleció. La fístula pleurocutánea es una complicación de difícil manejo para el médico de asistencia, pues no siempre suelen resolver con los métodos tradicionales de tratamiento y requiere períodos prolongados de curación. Conclusiones: La fístula pleurocutánea es infrecuente y de difícil manejo. El diagnóstico de certeza se realiza a través de la fistulografía.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Pleurocutaneous fistula is a rare entity that appears as a complication of thoracic trauma, pleuro-pulmonary surgery or infectious processes that affect the pleural space such as empyema. Objective: To describe clinical imaging findings of a patient with pleurocutaneous fistula secondary to empyema. Clinical case: 56-year-old white male patient of rural origin, inveterate smoker and habitual consumer of alcoholic beverages, with a personal pathological history of community-acquired pneumonia that required hospitalization due to the onset of pleural complications. He went to the internal medicine service of the "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" Hospital because for two months he had noticed a hole under his right armpit, through which he was draining foul-smelling fluid. The imaging studies included fistulography and computerized axial tomography. The clinical imaging diagnosis was pleurocutaneous fistula. The patient was admitted to the Medicine service for antimicrobial treatment; diagnostic and therapeutic interventionist procedures were performed; he evolved with complications and passed away. Pleurocutaneous fistula is a complication difficult to manage for the attending physician, as it does not always usually resolve with traditional methods of treatment and requires prolonged healing periods. Conclusions: Pleurocutaneous fistula is rare and difficult to manage. The certainty diagnosis is made through fistulography.

Afr. health sci. (Online) ; 22(2): 63-74, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1400232


Background: Chest Computerized Tomography (CT) features of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia are nonspecific, variable and sensitive in detecting early lung disease. Hence its usefulness in triaging in resource-limited regions. Objectives: To assess the pattern of chest CT scan findings of symptomatic COVID-19 patients confirmed by a positive RTPCR in Ghana. Methods: This study retrospectively reviewed chest CT images of 145 symptomatic RT-PCR positive COVID-19 patients examined at the Radiology Department of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) from 8th April to 30th November 2020. Chi-Squared test was used to determine associations among variables. Statistical significance was specified at p≤0.05. Results: Males represent 73(50.3%). The mean age was 54.15±18.09 years. The age range was 5 months-90 years. Consolidation 88(60.7%), ground glass opacities (GGO) 78(53.8%) and crazy paving 43(29.7%) were the most predominant features. These features were most frequent in the elderly (≥65years). Posterobasal, peripheral and multilobe disease were found bilaterally. The most common comorbidities were hypertension 72(49.7%) and diabetes mellitus 42(29.2%) which had significant association with lobar involvement above 50%. Conclusion: The most predominant Chest CT scan features of COVID-19 pneumonia were GGO, consolidation with air bronchograms, crazy paving, and bilateral multilobe lung disease in peripheral and posterior basal distribution

Humans , Male , Female , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Hospitals, Teaching , Pneumonia , Diabetes Mellitus , Hypertension
Rev. cuba. med ; 60(supl.1): e1367, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408951


El síndrome de Mounier-Kuhn o traqueobroncomegalia constituye una rara entidad clínica y radiológica caracterizada por una dilatación de la tráquea y los bronquios principales. Puede asociarse con estructuras saculares en las membranas intercartilaginosas (diverticulosis traqueal), bronquiectasias e infecciones respiratorias a repetición. Las formas de presentación clínica son variables. Tiene una prevalencia entre el 1-4,5 por ciento de la población y se presenta, mayoritariamente, en hombres con un amplio rango etario que oscila entre los 20 y 50 años de edad. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 77 años con cuadros de infecciones respiratorias bajas a repetición desde la juventud. Luego de realizarle estudios de imagen y broncoscopia, se llegó al diagnóstico de síndrome de Mounier-Kunh. Recibió tratamiento antibiótico inmediatamente y su evolución fue de manera satisfactoria(AU)

Mounier-Kuhn syndrome or tracheobroncomegaly is a rare clinical and radiological entity characterized by dilatation of the trachea and the main bronchi. It can be associated with saccular structures in the intercartilaginous membranes (tracheal diverticulosis), bronchiectasis, and recurrent respiratory infections. The forms of clinical presentation vary. It has a prevalence between 1-4.5 percent of the population and it occurs mainly in men, widely ranging ages between 20 and 50 years of age. We report the case of a 77-year-old male patient with recurrent lower respiratory infections since his youth. After performing imaging studies and bronchoscopy, he could be diagnosed with Mounier-Kunh syndrome. He immediately underwent antibiotic treatment and his evolution was satisfactory(AU)

Humans , Male , Aged , Cephalexin/therapeutic use , Tracheobronchomegaly/epidemiology , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Tomography, Spiral Computed/methods , Tracheobronchomegaly/drug therapy
Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection ; (12): 653-658, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-910372


Objective:To compare the differences in the delineation of the gross tumor volume (GTV) and lymph nodes of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients using computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography ( 18F-FDG PET/CT), and to investigate the optimal standard uptake value (SUV; relative to the MRI-based delineation) for the automatic delineation of GTV using PET. Methods:A total of 53 NPC patients proposing to receive radiotherapy were selected for this study. The CT, MRI, and PET images of each patient were obtained before radiotherapy. Then GTV and positive lymph nodes were delineated on these three types of images. They were individually named GTV MRI, GTV CT, GTV PET2.5 (SUV=2.5), Lymph MRI, Lymph CT, and Lymph PET2.5 and compared. The GTV ∩2.5 (overlapped GTV) was obtained through the alignment of MRI and PET/CT images. Meanwhile, GTV was delineated on PET images using thresholds of SUV=4.0, 4.5, 5.0, and 5.6, obtaining GTV PET4.0, GTV PET4.5, GTV PET5.0, and GTV PET5.6. Then their volume and Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs) were compared. Results:Compared to GTV MRI, GTV CT decreased by 1.73% ( P>0.05) and GTV PET2.5 increased by 21.34% ( t=-3.52, P < 0.05) in the three types of images. The volume of Lymph PET2.5 was 1.61 and 1.87 times the volume of Lymph MRI and Lymph CT, respectively ( t=-4.12, -5.18; P< 0.05). The volume of high-SUV lymph nodes was 4.07 times the volume of lymph nodes with low SUVs or SUV=0 ( t=5.50, P< 0.05) on PET images. The DSC between GTV PET4.0and GTV MRI was 0.78 ± 0.27, which was lower than that between GTV PET2.5 and GTV MRI (0.84 ± 0.18). However, GTV PET4.0 approximated to GTV ∩2.5 ( P>0.05). Conclusions:Compared to CT and 18F-FDG PET/CT, MRI shows more accurate boundaries of GTV and lymph nodes. When 18F-FDG PET/CT was adopted to automatically delineate GTV, the GTV delineated using SUV=4.0 was closer to GTV MRI.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 1136-1138, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909468


Patients with acute paraquat poisoning mostly die of respiratory failure, and the surviving ones may live with pulmonary fibrosis, but the long-term changes in lung function are still un-clear. Two patients with acute paraquat poisoning survived for more than 7 years were followed up in Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital to evaluate the imaging and spirometric changes. Eight years after poisoning, 1 patient's chest computerized tomography (CT) revealed interstitial pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, accompanied by bronchiectasis. Spirometric test showed very severe obstructive ventilatory dysfunction [percentage of vital capacity (VC) to predicted values was 63.7%, percentage of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) to predicted values was 33.2%, percentage of forced vital capacity (FVC) to predicted values was 64.7%, forced expiratory volume in one second to forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) was 52.5%, percentage of maximal mid-expiratory flow (MMEF) to predicted values was 9.9%, percentage of diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide in single breath (DLCO-SB) to predicted values was 49.3%]. The radiography of the other patient who survived over 7 years after poisoning also discovered chronic bronchitis, emphysema and bullae, along with pleural effusion. Spirometry identified severe mixed ventilatory dysfunction, mainly obstructive ventilatory disorder (percentage of VC to predicted values was 47.8%, percentage of FEV1 to predicted values was 35.6%, percentage of FVC to predicted values was 49.3%, FEV1/FVC was 74.1%, percentage of MMEF to predicted values was 17.1%, percentage of DLCO-SB to predicted values was 21.8%). These 2 cases indicate that acute paraquat poisoning had long-term effects on lung structure and pulmonary function, which may be manifested as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 568-572, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-877284


Objective@#To quantitatively analyze the chest computerized tomography ( CT ) images of coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19 ) cases by automatic artificial intelligence ( AI ) system, so as to provide the basis for the prediction of severe cases and early clinical intervention.@*Methods@#Eighty-three confirmed cases of COVID-19 from January 23 to February 14, 2020 in Wuchang Hospital of Wuhan were selected and the clinical data were collected. According to the diagnosis and treatment Plan of COVID-19 (seventh trial), the patients were divided into an ordinary group and a severe group. The parameters of chest CT images were quantified by the automatic AI system, and the CT imaging features of two groups were compared.@*Results@#There were 46 cases in the ordinary group and 37 cases in the severe group, with the age of ( 62.68 ±13.69 ) years and ( 50.52 ±12.45 ) years, respectively. The percentages of total pulmonary lesions, the lesion volume of bilateral lungs, the lesion volume of right lower lung, the left lung volume and the right lung volume from -300 to -200 Hu [median (inter-quartile range)] were 19.80% ( 21.69% ), 622.87 ( 1 145.73 ) cm3, 205.73 ( 246.95 ) cm3, 26.50 (21.20) cm3 and 38.02 (48.78) cm3 in the severe group, which were significantly different from 9.78% ( 13.24% ), 333.55 ( 401.77 ) cm3, 126.02 (164.21) cm3, 21.43 (13.11) cm3 and 26.92 ( 18.04 ) cm3 in the ordinary group ( P<0.05 ). The volume of pulmonary lesions reached the peak from 10 to 16 days after infection.@*Conclusion@#The lung lesions in severe cases of COVID-19 are large, especially in the right lower lung, and need to be closely monitored from 10 to 16 days after infection for early warning of severe cases.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 24(6): e4464, nov.-dic. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156277


RESUMEN Introducción: la paniculitis mesentérica es un trastorno poco frecuente caracterizado por inflamación crónica del tejido adiposo del mesenterio intestinal, su etiología es desconocida. Objetivo: describir la presentación clínica y radiológica de un paciente con paniculitis mesentérica atendido en el Hospital Militar Dr. Carlos J. Finlay de La Habana, Cuba. Caso clínico: paciente masculino de 62 años de edad, con antecedentes de salud aparente, ex fumador que hace seis meses, notó la presencia de una masa abdominal localizada en el cuadrante inferior izquierdo del abdomen. Se diagnostica paniculitis mesentérica. Conclusiones: a pesar de ser una entidad poco frecuente, la paniculitis mesentérica, debe ser considerada en el diagnóstico diferencial de los pacientes con masa abdominal palpable, empleando los medios imagenológicos para su estudio.

ABSTRACT Introduction: mesenteric panniculitis is a rare disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the adipose tissue of the intestinal mesentery, its etiology is unknown. Objective: to describe the clinical and radiological management of a patient with mesenteric panniculitis treated at Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Military Hospital in Havana, Cuba. Clinical case: a 62-year-old, male patient with apparent health history, ex-smoker. Six months ago, the patient noticed the presence of an abdominal mass located in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen. Mesenteric panniculitis is diagnosed. Conclusions: in spite of being a rare entity, mesenteric panniculitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with palpable abdominal mass, where the imaging studies are valuable for its diagnosis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213213


Background: Acute pancreatitis is one of the most common gastrointestinal causes of emergency hospital admissions. One in four patients will develop severe acute pancreatitis requiring critical care admission (CCA) frequently for a prolonged period leading to a considerable burden on health care resources. The main objective of this study was to analyse factors that may predict the need for CCA in patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis.Methods: In this study, authors analyzed the health records of all patients (154 patients) admitted to Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) with the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.Results: A total of 10 (6.5%) and 24 (15.6%) patients were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and surgical high dependency unit (SHDU) respectively. There were no differences between different admission locations when it came to age, gender, comorbidities, frequency of attacks and number of computed tomography (CT) scans. After adjusting for all covariates in a multivariate binary logistic regression, the following factors were found to predict CCA: Nationality OR (95% CI): 7.64 (1.14-51.29), dyslipidaemia etiology OR (95% CI): 0.025 (0.001-0.755) and CT severity index - CTSI (95% CI): 1.463 (1.014-2.111). CCA was associated with higher length of stay (6 days vs. 9 day) OR (95% CI): 0.79 (0.015-0.413) and higher in-hospital mortality (1.7% versus 17.6%) OR (95% CI): 5.58 (3.38-7.78).Conclusions: This study results indicate that nationality, dyslipidaemia etiology and CTSI were associated with higher CCA. ICU admission was associated with longer length of hospital stay and higher mortality rates.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 39(2): e445, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126603


Introducción: el nódulo pulmonar solitario es uno de los problemas más frecuentes en la práctica del radiólogo, que constituye un hallazgo incidental habitual en los estudios torácicos realizados durante el ejercicio clínico diario. Objetivo: implementar un sistema de diagnóstico asistido por computadora que facilite la detección del nódulo pulmonar solitario en las series de imágenes de tomografía computarizada multicorte. Métodos: se utilizó Matlab para el desarrollo y evaluación de un conjunto de algoritmos que constituyen elementos necesarios de un sistema de diagnóstico asistido por computadora. En orden: un algoritmo para la extracción de las regiones de interés, algoritmo para la extracción de características y un algoritmo de detección de nódulo pulmonar solitario para el cual se probaron varios clasificadores. La evaluación de los algoritmos fue efectuada en base a las anotaciones realizada por especialistas a la colección de imágenes LIDC-IDRI (Lung Image Database Consortium). Resultados: el método de segmentación empleado para extracción de las regiones de interés permitió generar la adecuada división de las imágenes originales en regiones significativas. El algoritmo utilizado en la detección mostró para el conjunto de prueba además de buena exactitud (de 96,4 por ciento), un buen balance de sensibilidad (91,5 por ciento) para una tasa de 0,84 falsos positivos por imagen. Conclusiones: el trabajo de investigación y la implementación realizada se reflejan en la construcción de una interfaz gráfica en Matlab como prototipo del sistema de diagnóstico asistido por computadora, con el que se puede contribuir a detectar más fácilmente el NPS(AU)

Introduction: solitary pulmonary nodules are one of the most frequent problems in radiographic practice. They are a common incidental finding in chest studies conducted during routine clinical work. Objective: implement a computer-assisted diagnostic system facilitating detection of solitary pulmonary nodules in multicut computerized tomography image series. Methods: Matlab was used to develop and evaluate a set of algorithms constituting necessary components of a computer-assisted diagnostic system. The order was the following: an algorithm to extract regions of interest, another to extract characteristics, and another to detect solitary pulmonary nodules, for which several classifiers were tested. Evaluation of the algorithms was based on notes taken by specialists on the LIDC-IDRI (Lung Image Database Consortium) image collection. Results: the segmentation method used for extraction of regions of interest made it possible to create a suitable division of the original images into significant regions. The algorithm used for detection found that the test set exhibited good accuracy (96.4%), a good sensitivity balance (91.5%), and a 0.84 rate of false positives per image. Conclusions: the research and implementation work done is reflected in the construction of a Matlab graphic interface serving as a prototype for a computer-assisted diagnostic system which may facilitate detection of SPNs.

Humans , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted/methods , Solitary Pulmonary Nodule/diagnostic imaging , Algorithms
Acta méd. colomb ; 45(2): 14-21, Jan.-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1130686


Abstract Objective: pulmonary embolism (PE) is the third cause of cardiovascular death worldwide. The evaluation of pre-test probability using the Wells, Geneva and Pisa clinical prediction rules has been amply validated in prior studies. However, there are insufficient data for evaluating their diagnostic yield in a Colombian population. The goal of this article is to evaluate the yield of these scales in our population. Methods: this was a retrospective cohort study with diagnostic test analysis in a tertiary level hospital from 2009 to 2017, which included all subjects over the age of 18 who had undergone a chest computed tomography angiography (CTA) due to a clinical suspicion of PE. All the necessary variables for constructing the Wells, Geneva and Pisa rules were recorded. Each score was calculated numerically and then classified according to probability. Pulmonary embolism was diagnosed through a CTA read by a radiologist. The data were entered on an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using a licensed SPSS statistical program. Results: a total of 507 subjects were included for Wells and Geneva scores and 339 for the Pisa score. The average age was 56 years (SD: 19.8) and 56.6% were males. A statistically significant relationship was found between the different calculated scores and the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: low, intermediate and high Wells probability p<0.001; less probable and probable Wells p<0.001; low, intermediate and high Geneva p=0.006; and low, intermediate, moderate and high Pisa p=0.001. The ACOR for Wells was 0.715 (95% CI:0.663-0.767) (p<0.001), for Geneva was 0.611 (95% CI:0.553-0.668) (p<0.001), and for Pisa was 0.643 (95% CI:0.574-0.713) (p<0.001). Conclusions: the study showed a greater PE diagnostic yield using the Wells score in our setting. There are limitations to the application and development of the Pisa score asociated with a lower yield in our patients.(Acta Med Colomb 2020; 45. DOI:

Resumen Objetivo: la embolia pulmonar (EP) es la tercera causa de muerte cardiovascular en el mundo. La evaluación de la probabilidad pre test a través de reglas de predicción clínica Wells, Ginebra y Pisa ha sido ampliamente validada en estudios previos. Sin embargo, hay datos insuficientes que evalúen el rendimiento diagnóstico de las mismas en población colombiana, este artículo tiene como fin evaluar el rendimiento de estas escalas en nuestra población. Métodos: estudio de cohorte retrospectivo con análisis de prueba diagnóstica en un hospital de III nivel de atención entre los años 2009 y 2017, donde se incluyeron todos los sujetos mayores de 18 años con realización de angiotomografía de tórax (ATC) solicitada por sospecha clínica de EP. Se registraron todas las variables necesarias para la construcción de las reglas de Wells, Ginebra y Pisa. Cada uno de los puntajes se calculó de manera numérica y posteriormente se clasificó según la probabilidad. El diagnóstico de EP se realizó mediante ATC leída por radiólogo. Los datos se ingresaron en una hoja de cálculo de Excel y se analizaron con el programa estadístico SPPS licenciado. Resultados: se ingresaron 507 sujetos para los puntajes de Wells y Ginebra y 339 para el puntaje de Pisa. El promedio de edad fue de 56 años (DS:19.8) y 56.6% de sexo masculino, se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre los diferentes puntajes evaluados y el diagnóstico de embolia pulmonar, Wells probabilidad baja, intermedia y alta p<0.001, Wells menos probable y probable p<0.001, Ginebra bajo, intermedio y alto p=0.006, Pisa bajo, intermedio, moderada y alta p=0.001. El ACOR para Wells fue 0.715(IC95%:0.663-0.767) (p<0.001), Ginebra 0.611(IC95%:0.553-0.668) (P<0.001), Pisa 0.643(IC95%:0.574-0.713) (p<0.001). Conclusiones: se determinó un rendimiento superior para el diagnóstico de EP con el puntaje de Wells en nuestro medio, hay limitaciones con la aplicación y desarrollo del puntaje de Pisa asociado a un rendimiento inferior en nuestros pacientes.(Acta Med Colomb 2020; 45. DOI:

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Pulmonary Embolism , Thrombosis , Probability , Reproducibility of Results , Computed Tomography Angiography